Privacy Policy


Bike Green Group srl privacy policy

This Application collects some Personal Data of its Users.

Data Controller

Bike Green Group srl s

Owner contact email: info(chiocciola)

Types of data collected

Among the Personal Data collected by this Application, either independently or through third parties, there are: name; telephone number; e-mail; surname.

Complete details on each type of data collected are provided in the dedicated sections of this privacy policy or through specific information texts displayed before the data is collected.
Personal Data may be freely provided by the User or, in the case of Usage Data, collected automatically during the use of this Application.
Unless otherwise specified, all data required by this application are mandatory. If the User refuses to communicate them, it may be impossible for this Application to provide the Service. In cases where this Application indicates some Data as optional, Users are free to refrain from communicating such Data, without this having any consequence on the availability of the Service or on its operation.
Users who have doubts about which data are mandatory are encouraged to contact the owner.
Any use of Cookies – or of other tracking tools – by this Application or by the owners of third party services used by this Application, unless otherwise specified, is intended to provide the Service requested by the User, in addition to further purposes described in this document and in the Cookie Policy, if available.

The User assumes responsibility for the Personal Data of third parties obtained, published or shared through this Application and guarantees to have the right to communicate or disseminate them, freeing the Owner from any liability to third parties.

Method and place of processing of the collected data
Processing methods

The Owner takes appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, modification or destruction of Personal Data.
The processing is carried out using IT and / or telematic tools, with organizational methods and with logic strictly related to the purposes indicated. In addition to the Data Controller, in some cases, other subjects involved in the organization of this Application (administrative, commercial, marketing, legal, system administrators) or external subjects (such as suppliers of third party technical services, postal couriers) may have access to the Data. hosting providers, IT companies, communication agencies) also appointed, if necessary, as Data Processors by the Data Controller. The updated list of Managers can always be requested from the Data Controller.

Legal basis of the processing

The Owner processes Personal Data relating to the User if one of the following conditions exists:

  • the User has given consent for one or more specific purposes; Note: in some jurisdictions the Data Controller may be authorized to process Personal Data without the User’s consent or another of the legal bases specified below, as long as the User does not object (“opt-out”) to such treatment. However, this is not applicable if the processing of Personal Data is governed by European legislation on the protection of Personal Data;
  • the processing is necessary for the execution of a contract with the User and / or for the execution of pre-contractual measures;
  • the processing is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation to which the Data Controller is subject;
  • the processing is necessary for the execution of a task of public interest or for the exercise of public authority vested in the Data Controller;
  • il trattamento è necessario per il perseguimento del legittimo interesse del Titolare o di terzi.

However, it is always possible to ask the Data Controller to clarify the concrete legal basis of each treatment and in particular to specify whether the treatment is based on the law, provided for by a contract or necessary to conclude a contract.


The Data is processed at the Data Controller’s operating offices and in any other place where the parties involved in the processing are located. For more information, please contact the Data Controller.
The User’s Personal Data may be transferred to a country other than that in which the User is located. To obtain further information on the place of processing, the User can refer to the section relating to the details on the processing of Personal Data.

The User has the right to obtain information regarding the legal basis for the transfer of Data outside the European Union or to an international organization governed by public international law or consisting of two or more countries, such as the UN, as well as regarding the security measures adopted by the Data Controller to protect the Data.

The User can check if one of the transfers described above takes place by examining the section of this document relating to the details on the processing of Personal Data or request information from the Data Controller by contacting him at the opening details.

Retention period

The Data are processed and stored for the time required by the purposes for which they were collected.


  • Personal Data collected for purposes related to the execution of a contract between the Owner and the User will be retained until the execution of this contract is completed.
  • Personal Data collected for purposes related to the legitimate interest of the Data Controller will be retained until this interest is satisfied. The User can obtain further information regarding the legitimate interest pursued by the Owner in the relevant sections of this document or by contacting the Owner.

When the processing is based on the User’s consent, the Data Controller may keep the Personal Data longer until such consent is revoked. Furthermore, the Data Controller may be obliged to keep Personal Data for a longer period in compliance with a legal obligation or by order of an authority.

At the end of the retention period, the Personal Data will be deleted. Therefore, at the end of this term the right of access, cancellation, rectification and the right to data portability can no longer be exercised.

Purpose of the processing of collected data

The User Data is collected to allow the Owner to provide its Services, as well as for the following purposes: Protection from SPAM, Contacting the User and Registration and authentication.

To obtain further detailed information on the purposes of the processing and on the Personal Data concretely relevant to each purpose, the User can refer to the relevant sections of this document.

Details on the processing of Personal Data

Personal Data is collected for the following purposes and using the following services:

Comment on the contents

Commenting services allow Users to formulate and make public their comments regarding the content of this Website.
Users, depending on the settings decided by the Owner, can also leave comments anonymously. If there is an email among the Personal Data released by the User, this could be used to send notifications of comments regarding the same content. Users are responsible for the content of their comments.
In the event that a comment service provided by third parties is installed, it is possible that, even if the Users do not use the comment service, it collects traffic data relating to the pages in which the comment service is installed. .

Comment system managed directly (This Website)

This Website has its own content commenting system.

Personal Data collected: surname, email, name, website and username.

Contact form (this Application)

By filling in the contact form with their data, the User consents to their use to respond to requests for information, quotes, or any other nature indicated by the form header.

Personal Data collected: email; first name; telephone number.

Interaction with social networks and external platforms

This type of service allows interaction with social networks or other external platforms directly from the pages of this Website.
The interactions and information acquired from this Website are in any case subject to the User’s privacy settings relating to each social network.
In the event that an interaction service with social networks is installed, it is possible that, even if the Users do not use the service, it collects traffic data relating to the pages in which it is installed.

Like button and Facebook social widgets (Facebook, Inc.)

The “Like” button and Facebook social widgets are interaction services with the Facebook social network, provided by Facebook, Inc.

Personal Data collected: Cookies and Usage Data.

Place of processing: USA – Privacy Policy

SPAM protection

This type of service analyzes the traffic of this Application, potentially containing Users’ Personal Data, in order to filter it from parts of traffic, messages and contents recognized as SPAM.

Registration and authentication

By registering or authenticating, the User allows the Application to identify him and give him access to dedicated services.
Depending on what is indicated below, the registration and authentication services could be provided with the help of third parties. If this happens, this application will be able to access some data stored by the third party service used for registration or identification.

Direct registration (this Application)

The User registers by filling out the registration form and providing his Personal Data directly to this Application.

Personal Data collected: surname; e-mail; first name.


The services contained in this section allow the Data Controller to monitor and analyze traffic data and are used to keep track of User behavior.

Google Analytics (Google Inc.)

Google Analytics is a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google uses Personal Data, collected anonymously on this site, for the purpose of tracking and examining the use of this Website, compiling reports and sharing them with other services developed by Google.
Google may use the Personal Data, collected anonymously on this site, to contextualize and personalize the advertisements of its own advertising network.

Personal Data collected: Cookies and Usage Data.

Place of processing: USA – Privacy Policy – Opt Out

Viewing content from external platforms

This type of service allows you to view content hosted on external platforms directly from the pages of this Website and interact with them.
In the event that a service of this type is installed, it is possible that, even if the Users do not use the service, it collects traffic data relating to the pages in which it is installed.

Google Fonts (Google Inc.)

Google Fonts is a font style visualization service managed by Google Inc. that allows this Website to integrate such content within its pages.

Personal Data collected: Usage data and various types of Data as specified in the privacy policy of the service.

Place of processing: USA – Privacy Policy

Widget Video YouTube (Google Inc.)

YouTube is a video content viewing service managed by Google Inc. that allows this Website to integrate such content within its pages.

Personal Data collected: Cookies and Usage Data.

Place of processing: United States – Privacy Policy


The site contains a Newsletter dedicated to all readers who spontaneously want to receive exclusive editorial content via email.

For the delivery and management of the Newsletter, the service offered by MailChimp (The Rocket Science Group, LLC, 512 Means St., Suite 404 – 30318 – Atlanta, Georgia) is used and the data collected is stored on the secure servers of the service. dispensing.

Pursuant to the MailChimp privacy policy, the data will never be used directly by MailChimp or sold by it to third parties. MailChimp uses appropriately authorized operators to maintain the service and in the exercise of this function they may have access to your data.

In any case, the guarantees provided by the MailChimp privacy policy

User rights

Users can exercise certain rights with reference to the Data processed by the Data Controller.

In particular, the User has the right to:

  • withdraw consent at any time. The User can revoke the consent to the processing of their Personal Data previously expressed.
  • oppose the processing of their data. The user can oppose the processing of their data when it occurs on a legal basis other than consent. Further details on the right to object are indicated in the section below.
  • access their data. The User has the right to obtain information on the Data processed by the Data Controller, on certain aspects of the processing and to receive a copy of the Data processed.
  • verify and request rectification. The User can verify the correctness of their Data and request its updating or correction.
  • obtain the limitation of the treatment. When certain conditions are met, the User may request the limitation of the processing of their Data. In this case, the Data Controller will not process the Data for any other purpose than their conservation.
  • obtain the cancellation or removal of their Personal Data. When certain conditions are met, the User can request the cancellation of their Data by the Owner.
  • receive their data or have them transferred to another owner. The User has the right to receive his / her Data in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device and, where technically feasible, to obtain its unhindered transfer to another owner. This provision is applicable when the Data is processed with automated tools and the processing is based on the User’s consent, on a contract to which the User is a party or on contractual measures connected to it.
  • propose a complaint. The User can lodge a complaint with the competent personal data protection supervisory authority or take legal action.
Details on the right to object

When Personal Data are processed in the public interest, in the exercise of public authority vested in the Data Controller or to pursue a legitimate interest of the Data Controller, Users have the right to oppose the processing for reasons connected to their particular situation.

Users are reminded that, if their Data are processed for direct marketing purposes, they can oppose the processing without providing any reasons. To find out if the Data Controller processes data for direct marketing purposes, Users can refer to the respective sections of this document.

How to exercise your rights

Per esercitare i diritti dell’Utente, gli Utenti possono indirizzare una richiesta agli estremi di contatto del Titolare indicati in questo documento. Le richieste sono depositate a titolo gratuito e evase dal Titolare nel più breve tempo possibile, in ogni caso entro un mese.

Further information on the treatment
Defense in court

The User’s Personal Data may be used by the Owner in court or in the preparatory stages for its eventual establishment for the defense against abuse in the use of this Application or related Services by the User.
The User declares to be aware that the Owner may be obliged to disclose the Data by order of the public authorities.

Specific information

At the request of the User, in addition to the information contained in this privacy policy, this Application may provide the User with additional and contextual information regarding specific Services, or the collection and processing of Personal Data.

System log and maintenance

For needs related to operation and maintenance, this Application and any third party services used by it may collect system logs, which are files that record the interactions and which may also contain Personal Data, such as the User IP address.

Information not contained in this policy

Further information in relation to the processing of Personal Data may be requested at any time from the Data Controller using the contact details.

Response to “Do Not Track” requests

Diese Anwendung unterstützt keine “Do Not Track”-Anfragen.
Um herauszufinden, ob die verwendeten Dienste von Drittanbietern diese unterstützen, wird der Benutzer gebeten, die jeweiligen Datenschutzrichtlinien zu konsultieren.

Changes to this privacy policy

The Data Controller reserves the right to make changes to this privacy policy at any time by informing Users on this page and, if possible, on this Application as well as, if technically and legally feasible, by sending a notification to Users through one of the extremes. contact number held by the Data Controller. Please therefore consult this page regularly, referring to the date of the last modification indicated at the bottom.

If the changes concern treatments whose legal basis is consent, the Data Controller will collect the User’s consent again, if necessary.

Personal Data (or Data)

Any information that, directly or indirectly, also in connection with any other information, including a personal identification number, makes a natural person identified or identifiable constitutes personal data.

Usage Data

This is information collected automatically through this Application (including from third-party applications integrated into this Application), including: IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by the User connecting with this Application, addresses in URI notation ( Uniform Resource Identifier), the time of the request, the method used to forward the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response from the server (successful, error, etc.) country of origin, the characteristics of the browser and operating system used by the visitor, the various temporal connotations of the visit (for example the time spent on each page) and the details of the itinerary followed within the Application, with particular reference the sequence of the pages consulted, the parameters relating to the operating system and the IT environment of the User.


The individual using this Application who, unless otherwise specified, coincides with the Data Subject.


The natural person to whom the Personal Data refers.

Data Processor (or Manager)

The natural person, legal person, public administration and any other body that processes personal data on behalf of the Data Controller, as set out in this privacy policy.

Data Controller (or Owner)

The natural or legal person, public authority, service or other body which, individually or together with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data and the tools adopted, including the security measures relating to the operation and use of this Application. The Data Controller, unless otherwise specified, is the owner of this Application.

This Application

The hardware or software tool through which the Personal Data of Users are collected and processed.


The service provided by this application as defined in the relative terms (if available) on this site / application.

European Union (or EU)

Unless otherwise specified, any reference to the European Union contained in this document is intended to be extended to all current member states of the European Union and the European Economic Area.

Legal references

This privacy statement is drawn up on the basis of multiple legislative systems, including articles. 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679.

Unless otherwise specified, this privacy statement only concerns this Application.

Last modification: June 28, 2021

General Conditions of Bike Rental Green Group Srls

  1. To obtain the rental of a bicycle, the User must present a valid identity document to the manager. The bicycle must be returned in compliance with the times communicated and / or posted at the rental points, in the same place where it was rented. In the event that the user returns the bicycle before the end of the rental agreement, no refund will be made.
  2. The bicycle rental by the User presupposes the unconditional knowledge and acceptance of these regulations, the rates, the opening and closing times of the facility in which the rental service was used. When renting bikes, users are expected to cycle on selected routes and be able to perform minor bicycle repairs such as inflating tires, changing a hose or repairing a puncture, keeping bikes clean and lubricated to ensure smooth running and bike safety. If unsure of what to do, guests are advised to seek local professional advice and support at their own expense.
  3. At the time of delivery of the bicycle, the User and the Manager will check its functionality status. It is the guest’s responsibility to return our bicycles and equipment in the same condition in which they are found at the start of the Bike Tour / Rental. The User must use the bicycle in order to avoid damage, both to it and to its accessories (basket, seat, kickstand, etc.); you must also use the lock provided whenever the bicycle is left unattended.
  4. The User is obliged not to transfer the rented bicycle to others and is responsible for the same at all times.
  5. The Manager will require the User to pay for damage and / or breakages caused or suffered to the bicycle; alternatively, the User may have the vehicle repaired at his own expense. Modifications or alterations, not previously authorized, to the bicycle are not allowed or reimbursed.
  6. In case of loss of keys or bicycle accessories, all charges due for the refurbishment will be borne by the User.
  7. The Manager can carry out checks on users during the use of bicycles, and request their immediate return if so ravvisano le condizioni di utilizzo improprio del veicolo.
  8. If the Manager finds a bicycle deemed abandoned, or in any case not returned after the deadline agreed upon at the time of rental, he can withdraw it even if it is locked with the alarm.
  9. The User is responsible for any damage caused to himself, to the bicycle, to third parties and things during the use of the vehicle. No form of compensation may be requested from the Manager. During the use of the bicycle, the User does not enjoy any form of insurance nor is the bicycle covered by insurance. The User is required to comply with the rules of the Highway Code. The Manager declines all responsibility in the event of improper use of the vehicle or failure to comply with the rules of the Highway Code.
  10. In the event of theft of the bicycle, the User must submit to the Manager a copy of the theft report submitted to the competent judicial offices and pay the sum of € 500.00 as a security, which will be returned only in the case of recovery / recovery of the vehicle.
  11. Failure to return the bicycle without prior notice will be considered as theft and therefore reported to the Judicial Authority.
  12. The Manager may refuse the rental of the bicycle to people in a state of drunkenness or under the influence of drugs (pursuant to articles 186-187 of the Highway Code) or for other reasons at the sole discretion of the Manager.

Mechanical assistance during the rental period for a fee