Our Mission is the bicycle, it is the world that is revealed through the passion for two wheels and we conceive it in a harmonious whole with nature and healthy life, we feel it in the soul and we feel the obligation to pass on this discipline.
The Team Bike Green Group was founded in 1990 by the will of Roberto Cireddu, already known in the world of cycling for the sporting successes achieved in all disciplines in the world of two wheels.
Ambitions, determination, perseverance are among the keys that allow the Bike Green Group to constitute the solid group in continuous expansion which has as its main purpose the dissemination of the culture of cycling in the area through the best methods and practices learned in over 30 years. of sporting and professional activity.
The best guarantee for our trusted customers
Abbiamo conseguito tantissimi risultati, perciò ci siamo messi a disposizione!
Perfection is a utopia or rather it cannot be achieved but it can be pursued.
We of the Team Bike Green Group know this very well and, thanks to this fixed point, for us every day is a path without delay towards the best evolution, so that all our service offered is better than the previous one.
Being rewarded by the market and customer satisfaction is our indestructible reward.
Founder of the Bike Green Group, he is famous for his long series of successes in all disciplines. First Sardinian Mountain Bike champion, he dominated the island scene throughout his career.
President for years of the Cireddu Cycle Team, one of the most important cycling schools in Sardinia, he is a 3rd level mountain bike teacher.
Seven times Sardinian Mountain Bike Champion, they describe the character, strength, safety and guarantee offered by the Bike Green Shop Cagliari, a strategic reference point for cyclists and bike lovers in general.
A highly experienced mechanic, he has a long experience in the world of bicycles.
Responsible for over 10 years of the Bike Green San Vito store, headquarters of the central logistics warehouse.
Character, determination, organization, service, knowledge of the territory, managerial skills are the elements that distinguish the Bike Green Shop in Villasimius, a strategic node for cycling tourism on the island thanks to the organizational skills of the shop managers.
Mechanical assistance during the rental period for a fee